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Lingbao celebrates harvest festival

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-09-26

Lingbao city held various rural cultural events to celebrate the first Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival at Sihe Mountain on Sept 23.

Jointly sponsored by the Sanmenxia municipal Party committee and local government, the festival was themed "Celebrating a Bumper Harvest in the Apple Orchard". It attracted a large number of government officials, business representatives, tourists and local farmers.

In order to promote the local apple industry, the sponsors held many kinds of activities at the opening ceremony, including dissemination of data on selenium-rich soil, distinctive product recommendations, and a contract signing ceremony of online and offline orders, offering visitors different ways to experience the great joy of harvest.

Located on the eastern edge of the Loess Plateau, one of China's two major optimal apple production bases, Lingbao enjoys a high reputation as the "Home of Apples". The festival will be of great significance to promote Lingbao apples, and greatly push forward the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Lingbao celebrates harvest festival

In honor of the sacrifice they have made to the city's development, Lingbao gives awards to advanced farmers. [Photo/rmlt.com.cn]

Lingbao celebrates harvest festival

Visitors take part in a fruit picking activity to enjoy the harvest season. [Photo/rmlt.com.cn]

Lingbao celebrates harvest festival

Apple production is a pillar industry for increasing farmers' income and developing the economy. [Photo/rmlt.com.cn]

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