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Dongpo Park helps boost Sanmenxia's tourism industry

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-08-21

Dongpo Park in Hubin district of Sanmenxia opened to the public on Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh month in the Chinese lunar calendar. This year's Qixi Festival fell on Friday, Aug 17.

Hundreds of local citizens gathered at the opening ceremony to admire the rare works of art and calligraphy and enjoy the rural beauty of the village.

Dongpo Park helps boost Sanmenxia's tourism industry

Calligraphy amateurs appreciate the traditional Chinese calligraphy of Huang Tingjian (1045-1105), a great poet and calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty (AD 960-1127). [Photo by Zhang Hongbo/hn.cri.cn]

In memory of Su Shi (also known as Su Dongpo ), a famous poet from the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Dongpo Park combined a celebration of his poems with fruit picking, dining, as well as outdoor exercise. The park intended to demonstrate its commitment to new-styled ecology in accordance with its aim of helping to alleviate poverty by developing rural tourism.

A distinctive tourism destination, Dongpo village is devoted to exploration and innovation to boost the tourism industry of Sanmenxia.

Dongpo Park helps boost Sanmenxia's tourism industry

A poetry lover recites Su Shi's works. [Photo by Zhang Hongbo/hn.cri.cn]

Dongpo Park helps boost Sanmenxia's tourism industry

A swan-themed photography exhibition attracts visitors. [Photo by Zhang Hongbo/hn.cri.cn]

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