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Sanmenxia builds national pollution sources database

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-08-10

Sanmenxia recently finished building the second database for national general investigation of pollution sources. The database will provide basic data for the city's environmental policymaking and management.

A total number of 412 people selected from survey institutions of county and municipal level formed a professional team for the database, and the work was officially initialized on May 2 with focus on four kinds of pollution sources: agricultural, industrial and domestic pollution sources, and concentrated pollution treatment facilities.

The team accomplished the work in terms of information verification and on-the-spot examination for 6,758 enterprises and units in the previous list of national general investigation of pollution sources by the end of July and has added another 91 companies into the list, preliminarily setting up a national database of pollution sources for Sanmenxia.

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