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Sanmenxia becomes thriving tourism hub during Labor Day holiday

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-05-05

Sanmenxia's tourist destinations proved popular during the Labor Day weekend, attracting more than 860,000 visitors and generating tourism revenues in excess of 186 million yuan ($28.63 million).

Among the popular spots over the three-day weekend were Jian Lake Park and People's Park, where visitors were able to admire the peonies in bloom there.

Special activities were organized by scenic spots, including Hanguguan Culture Industrial Park, which welcomed visitors with Han rites. The park received over 18,000 visitors during the holiday.

Yellow River Park drew in 30,000 tourists each day of the holiday and offered visitors the chance to travel around the park by bike.

However, the hottest scenic spot was the newly-built cave dwelling complex in Shanzhou district. More than 27,000 people turned out to visit the cave dwellings on May 1, the first day of its trial operation.

Agritainment destinations were well visited during the holiday. Rural home inns provided guests the chance to get close to the nature and seek a temporary escape from the fast pace of city life. Villages in Lingbao and Lushi counties welcomed thousands of tourists to enjoy the countryside and pick farm produce.

Sanmenxia becomes thriving tourism hub during Labor Day holiday

Sanmenxia is a major draw for its tourism facilities. [Photo/smxe.cn]

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