9th World Biomaterials Congress in Chengdu

Updated: 2012-06-07 11:12

By Li Yu and Lai Li(chinadaily.com.cn)

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9th World Biomaterials Congress in Chengdu
The five-day World Biomaterials Congress (WBC), a leading conference in its field, concluded on June 5 in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province.

More than 3,000 biomaterial researchers from 57 countries and regions gathered in Chengdu. Roughly 2,900 academic abstracts were received. This year's WBC included two plenary lectures, 167 oral presentations, three workshops and two fellow sessions. Approximately 100 companies took part in the exhibition, including the US-based Invibio Co Ltd, Purac Co Ltd from the Netherlands and many other foreign enterprises.

Nicholas Peppas, chairman of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterial Sciences and Engineering praised the congress at the closing ceremony.

With the theme "Innovative biomaterials and crossing frontiers in biomaterials and regenerative medicine", the congress focused on the fields of medical applications, artificial organs, testing, evaluation methods, and the management and ethics of biomaterials.

The ninth WBC will accelerate Chengdu's integration into the market of biomaterial research and application, which will help the city develop into a national biomaterials hub.

Zhang Xindong, chairman of the Chinese Biomaterial Committee, announced that the tenth World Biomaterials Congress will be held in Montreal in 2016.