Chengdu commercial work conference held

Updated: 2012-05-11 09:55

By Li Yu and Lai Li (

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Chengdu commercial work conference held

The Chengdu commercial work conference was held in the incubation park of the Chengdu high-tech zone on May 4.

The Chengdu commercial work conference was held in the incubation park of the Chengdu high-tech zone on May 4. The conference studied the spirit of national and provincial commercial work conferences and instructions from the Chengdu municipal party secretary, Huang Xinchu. Plans for the commercial circles in 2012 were also made. Member of the standing committee of the Chengdu municipal party committee, Bai Gang and vice-mayor, Wang Zhonglin addressed the conference.

Huang said the core of a city's modernization and internationalization lies in its industry. The tertiary industry needs further development to provide more economic supports to build Chengdu into a western economic core.

Chief of the city's municipal business bureau, Guo Qizhou said that although progress had been made in 2011, there remained room for improvement in the modern distribution sector, radiation power industry and the understanding of the service industry. He proposed that the commercial work in 2012 should focus on domestic demand expansion, northern city transformation, key sector construction, emerging industries, urban building complex and skyscraper economics, opening-up and cooperation, and livelihood services.

Wang Zhonglin said commercial works in 2012 will help realize leading, scientific and sustainable development under the primary lines by means of accelerating the growth of tertiary industries and setting proper organizational mechanisms.

Chengdu commercial work conference held

Bai Gang required government officials to enhance a sense of crisis, responsibility and service

Bai Gang required government officials to enhance a sense of crisis, responsibility and service, and to accept new organizational concepts and working styles.

In addition, four other districts and counties in Chengdu exchanged their experiences on the bonded zone development, skyscraper economics, agricultural products circulating, and business district constructions at the conference.