Weinan readies for cultural fair

Updated: 2012-05-08 15:48

By Lu Hongyan and Ma Lie(China Daily Shaanxi Bureau)

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Weinan, a city in the eastern part of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, has completed its preparations for the China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair, which will be held from May 18 to 21 in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.

Participating in the fair on behalf of Shaanxi province, Weinan will perform 18 acts of national intangible cultural heritage including Huayin ancient opera, marionette and Fuping Guqin (an ancient musical instrument created and played in Fuping, a county in Weinan), according to Weinan governmental sources.

The delegation to the cultural fair will also display its cultural artworks of shadow puppets, black pottery, straw painting, black jade, stone carvings, pottery, embroidery and folk weaving.

Demonstrations of shadowgraph sculpture and wood New Year printing will be performed at the fair.

The city is also preparing 76 cultural projects for cooperation and investment introductions, of which 43 are cultural and 33 are tourist-related.

The fair, the only national and internationalized comprehensive cultural industrial promotion held in China, is co-sponsored by China's Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Commerce, State Administration of Radio, Film and television, State Administration of Press and Publication, China International Trade Promotion Committee, Guangdong provincial government and Shenzhen municipal government. It has been held seven times since 2004.

Contact the writers at malie@chinadaily.com.cn and luhongyan@chinadaily.com.cn