West China IT market index monitoring station inhabits Chengdu

Updated: 2011-12-02 15:58


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On Nov 14, the only China IT market index monitoring station in West China settled down in the Chengdu science and technology street at the 4th Chengdu International Digital Entertainment Week. On Nov 15, the China IT Market Index was officially released in Shenzhen.

The China IT Market Index is authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and is implemented by the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce.

The China IT Market Index Operation Center is based in Futian, Shenzhen city. It is responsible for the collecting, calculating, and generating of the national IT product data and the index releasing. Chengdu is the only city in West China that is responsible for the program's data collecting, said Gao Sumei, deputy director of the National Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The China IT Market Index categorizes electronic products into notebook computers, desktop computers, tablet computers, digital cameras and multi-function all-in-one machines. It applies curve ups-and-downs charts and data forms to reflect latest indexes. The indexes are classified into three major types: sales index, scale index, and prosperity index.

The index information of 29 types of representative products can be found in the Chengdu column of China IT Market Index Network. The products come from many name brands such as Apple, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, Canon, Nikon, and Samsung.

By the end of October 2011, Chengdu monitoring station ranked the second in the country in terms of personnel number, technologies, and the data quality after Beijing.