Former Japanese PM visits Chengdu

Updated: 2011-10-28 10:26


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"Beautiful", "modern", these are the comments from the former Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio on Chengdu when he visited the city for the first time. Although he was unable to have deeper understanding on this city due to his tight schedule, he still talked with interest about economic development, post-disaster reconstruction and other relevant issues in a media interview after he attended the opening ceremony of the 12th Western China International Fair (WCIF) on the morning of October 20.

"China used to concentrate its efforts on the coastal areas. Now the development of western China is getting more critical. I myself fully agree Japanese companies should develop their business in western China with Chengdu as the center." Hatoyama Yukio thinks WCIF is a common development opportunity for China and Japan, and a matter of significance to the trade contacts between western China and Japan. Japanese companies know western China through WCIF. The exhibition of the products of Japanese companies also helps the Chinese get to know Japanese companies. This is a kind of interaction. "Anyway, I want to add one point. I hope you not only accept large Japanese companies but also can provide a larger development stage for small and medium Japanese companies because SMEs play an important role in Japanese economic structure."

Sichuan and Japan find more "common language" after enduring earthquakes. "After the devastating earthquake in Sichuan, China mobilized the forces of the whole nation and completed all reconstruction work in only three years. Japan just hit by earthquake should learn from the Sichuan experience." He expressed the greatest regret for his short Chengdu trip. He took out a photo of his wife hugging a giant panda. "My wife has seen giant pandas. She likes them very much. This is a photo she took together with a giant panda when she came to Chengdu five years ago." Hatoyama Yukio in a high mood gave this rare photo to a female reporter on the site.