Envoy attends sister city anniversary ceremony

Updated: 2011-10-11 09:20


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On September 26, 2011, Consul General Song Binglin to Marseille attended the 30th anniversary ceremony hosted by Montpellier Government, France, where Chengdu and Montpellier re-established their sister city relationship. Vice mayors of Montpellier, Chengdu Foreign Affairs Office Deputy Director Lu Sheng, deputy secretary of commerce bureau Wang Jianzhong attended the ceremony.

Consul-general Song acknowledged that Montpellier and Chengdu had maintained close cooperation in various fields and gained fruitful achievements in 30 years as the first pair of sister cities between France and China. He said that the first international donation Chengdu received after the 2008 earthquake was from Montpellier; both cities have been continually deepening and expanding friendly cooperation. He also expressed his sincere wish for a bright future for the two cities.

Deputy director Lu Sheng transmitted the letter of Chengdu mayor to Montpellier’s mayor, which pointed out that “when celebrating to the 30th year bond, people of both sides get to know their value and responsibility”. The letter also expressed Chengdu’s appreciation of its bilateral exchange and deepening cooperation with Montpellier.

Serge Fleurence, the first deputy mayor of Montpellier, on behalf of Mayor Drew, who is on a business trip, made a speech and extended his warm welcome to his friends from afar. He gave a review of the 30 years of friendly relations between the two cities and listed cooperation projects in education, economy and trade, health and other fields. He extended his firm belief that this friendly relationship will continue to be consolidated and strengthened.

Chengdu delegations also attended the foundation laying ceremony for “Chengdu primary school” earlier in Montpellier. On September 26 and 27, the sixth session of the European Fair was held outside Chengdu city for the first time, more than 40 Chengdu business representatives went to Montpellier to attend this fair and were able to take part in an on-site visit of European enterprises.