Free health examination promised for elders in NW China

Updated: 2011-09-25 15:34

By Lu Hongyan (China Daily Shaanxi Bureau)

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XI'AN - A health examination chain promised to provide free services to elders aged 65 and above on November 6 every year. The program debuted on Sunday in the provincial capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province.

Inlung Physical Examination is the first private health care organization to follow through with the proposal that the provincial health bureau made in the summer aimed at providing preferential measures for the elders.

The move drew close attention from all circles of the local society and has been widely welcomed. There are about 720,000 elders at 65 and above living in the ancient city, while fees for physical examinations have kept rising over the years.

A top executive of Inlung said the agency wants to help more elderly people learn about their physical situation and prevent diseases through the move. They also want to remind people to engage more in care and welfare for middle-aged people and the elderly.

On November 6, all elderly people qualified can dial the hot-line 4006-029-116 themselves or with help from family to make reservations, an executive said.

Nurses will accompany the elder people through the whole process of physical examination designed for the age group. The agency will also set up health files for free for the senior guests to guide them from aspects ranging from sports and food to psychology in the future.