Int'l beauties gather in Chengdu in golden autumn

Updated: 2011-09-01 08:54


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The 49th and the 50th Miss International Beauty Pageant (MIBP) were both held in Chengdu in 2009 and 2010, offering an unprecedented presence and becoming the gala of the largest scale, strongest passion and most far-reaching influence in the history of MIBP.

On the afternoon of August 19, a news conference for the 51st MIBP was held in Chengdu, declaring the final this year would take place in Chengdu for the third time in autumn. The champion of the 49th MIBP Miss Mexico Anna Gabrina, the champion of the 50th MIBP Miss Venezuela Anna Elizabeth Mosquera, the runner-up Miss Thailand Pueon and the third place getter Miss China Yuan Siyi were all present.

Hosted by Chengdu for the third time

The MIBP global final took place in Chengdu for the third time. The contestants and the host representatives repeatedly said "returning home" when Chengdu's name was mentioned yesterday. The host representative and dedicated director of Japan International Culture Association Hashimoto Hirano said, "Returning to Chengdu feels like returning to the hometown.”

Chengdu was the first city in the Chinese Mainland to host the event. It promotes places of interest to the world such as Chengdu’s gourmet foods, pandas, enthusiasm and the long and profound history of the city.

Hirano said that this year, the pageant's official website would include daily photos and videos of the contestants.

Presenting three pleasant surprises

Chengdu has successfully hosted two global finals for MIBP in 2009 and 2010, which brought wonderful memories to the contestants and guests. So when the "MIBP" embraces Chengdu for the third time, what kind of pleasant surprises can we expect?

During yesterday's news conference, the director of the host committee said this year's pageant had three major special links. Firstly, 'The Music Park of East Chengdu" will host the grand opening. The pageant this year will bring the beauties to the music park and present an auditory and visual feast to the world. Secondly, a show will be held in which the contestants display their ethnic clothes, evening gowns and swim suits. Thirdly, Nishi Isomura, a prestigious Japanese fashion master, will be invited to design a delicate cloak for this year’s champion. The design of the cloak by Nishi was shown at the news conference.

Champions expressed feelings of returning home to Chengdu

Miss Mexico Anna Gabrina, champion of the 49th MIBP, Miss Venezuela Anna Elizabeth Mosquera, champion of the 50th MIBP, the runner-up Miss Thailand Pueon and the third winner Miss China Yuan Siyi were all present at the news conference.

The beautiful Mexican girl sincerely expressed that "I have the feeling of returning home each time I come to Chengdu. The smiles of the staff remind me of many sweet memories when I took the pageant in 2009. The city's fast but healthy development brings me pleasant surprises." As a host of the Mexico TV, Anna is keen in public welfare and has taken part in many public benefit activities after winning the champion to devote her efforts to helping more people.

The 50th MIBP champion, Miss Venezuela Anna said that returning to the city reminded me that this was the place where my dream came true. "It is really joyful!" she said.

The runner-up Miss Thailand Pueon and the third winner Miss China Yuan Siyi also shared their moving and unforgettable experiences. Pueon burst into tears the moment she knew she was the runner-up. She conveyed her wish to travel around Chengdu since the warm faces of the people here made her reluctant to leave. Miss China Yuan Siyi has participated in many charitable activities and has acted as the distinguished guest of many activities in the MIBP branch competition areas during last year. She sang a song called Friendship in Thousand Waters and Mountains to those present at the news conference to express her deep love for Chengdu.