Policies and Regulations

Chapter 6 Trademark IT Development

Updated: 2010-04-22 11:19
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2. Further enforcing trademark information construction to promote the trademark strategy The trademark strategy had seen a initiative success in 2009, achieved breakthrough in trademark examination, while the trademark information is strengthened and made a dramatic progress.

2-1. Developing statistic system for releasing information of registered trademark for the firs time.

In 2009, CTMO developed a trademark registration statistic software, and for the first time, declared the statistics of registered trademark at provincial, city and county levels, which is of great help for AICs to implementing China trademark strategy.

2-2. Strengthening statistic and analysis, providing decision -making data for trademark examination.

In 2009, for realizing the clearing of backlog of trademark application, CTMO strengthened the monthly statistic and analysis of trademark examination. In June 2009, the statistics of trademark examination and opposition gave a full support to the objective: halfyear passed, half target finished.

2-3. Completing online service software and open online trademark application to all trademark agents.

In 2009, CTMO trained over 1,800 trademark agencies for online trademark application, and after that, online applications jumped from some previously 100 per day to more than 2,000. Since the trial operation on December 26,2006 till the end of 2009, online applications totaled 450,000. 363,000 of them filed in 2009, 44 percent of the total in 2009, comparing only 55,000 in 2008.

CTMO website is the official government website, providing information about trademark law and regulations, guidelines to trademark registration, trademark application forms and latest news in trademark field, and also services such as online search and online application. Now the website has become an important web portal of China’s IP field. Hits to the website reached 100 million in 2004, 165 million in 2005, 1.043 billion in 2006 and 1.75 billion in 2008, while in 2009 it was 2.36 billion.

2-4 Preparing for the third-term system software upgrading and construction to reach international level

After 15-years’ effort, trademark information system has had 17 high-performance servers such as IBM and SUN and more than 1,000 terminal users; major examination businesses are now conducted electronically during the whole process. It also provides electronic services such as online publication, online searching and online application. The third-term system software upgrading and construction, going to start soon targeting international level, will fully integrate all trademark sub-systems.

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