Policies and Regulations

Chapter 7 Trademark Review and Adjudication

Updated: 2010-04-22 10:59
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7. Making progress in the information construction

In order to further promote the information construction of trademark review and adjudication, TRAB established an information working team headed by Inspector Hou Liye. The team, also including some part-time members, had a clear structure, responsibility for each division and finishing time, achieved the system optimization of combined cases for review, added the reviewing procedures of the examiner assistants, and has basically formed a “Information System Optimization Program of Trademark Review ” based on the practice. The system included several sub-systems, such as collecting documents for reviewing, accepting cases for reviewing, reviewing cases and case statistics, so as to meet the requirement of “Phase III” of the trademark system automation constructed by SAIC information center.

8. Actively involving into the revision of trademark law

TRAB especially established a Trade Law study group, led by Deputy Director General Chen Zhuo and consisted of full-time and part-time staff. The group also actively involved into the amendment of the Trademark Law. During April and May, TRAB held several special meetings to discuss about the standardization of excising free power-making rights, the prohibition of malicious registration of trademarks, reduction of cycling appeals, and then completed the relevant part about the trademark review and adjudication in time. TRAB also cooperated with CTMO and SAIC Regulation Office in the overall amendment of the Trademark Law.

10. Carrying out publicity and communication activities in multiple ways

10-1. Actively organizing publicity activities.

Taking the opportunity of a comprehensive publicity campaign launched by China Industry & Commerce News for clearing out backlog trademark cases, which had attracted attention from all circles of society. TRAB also made a broad publicity for examination of well-known trademarks, laying a favorable foundation for finally resolving backlog of well-known trademark application cases. June 2nd, TRAB Deputy Director Chen Zhuo hosted TRAB Expert Symposium in Beijing.

Chapter 7 Trademark Review and Adjudication

10-2. Organizing effective communication with courts and relevant departments.

In March, June and July,2009,TRAB held seminars, expert consultation meetings to discuss some difficult issues with experts and relevant courts in Beijing, such as appealing procedures, examination of trademarks with CHINA and applicable laws in examination and adjudication cases. These meetings were proved quite helpful in improving appealing efficiency.

10-3. Continuously enforcing foreign exchanges.

In 2 009 T RA B received more than 2 0 delegations from countries and regions such as EU, USA, Japan, ROK, Italy, UK, Philippines. TRAB supported its staff to actively involve into the IP seminars held in EU, Japan, ROK, Taiwan and HK. TRAB have sent staff to Japan, Australia, Hong Kong for learning theories and experience, and practices on trademark review and adjudication, to lay a solid foundation for promoting itself to an international standard. It is no doubt that the application for trademark review and adjudication in 2010will further increase and there are even more trademark review work. TRAB staff will further study relevant knowledge, and in line with the SAIC instruction, insist on enhancing business operation capacity and team building, completing the system and mechanism, adjusting the capacity allocation, and make more contributions to realizing the Three-Five Target.

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