Opinion / OP Rana

Op Rana

Op Rana is a senior editor with China Daily’s opinion department. He has a particular focus on international politics and environmental protection.

The Arctic test and how Obama failed in it

[2015-08-24 08:26]

The only problem is that the world will not be what we want it to be because big oil will not allow other types of energy to be developed, and there won't be space to take any step forward.

Will Paris yield a decisive climate deal?

[2015-08-05 07:32]

Vanishing forests, retreating glaciers, higher temperatures and rising sea levels do not point to a promising future irrespective of what the spin doctors of the market want us to believe.

Trying to measure Earth's value with money is weird

[2015-05-23 07:35]

Assigning monetary value to every natural resource and system may be a good idea for the market, but it is certainly not conducive to protecting the planet.

Real problems need real solutions

[2015-05-14 08:16]

Fighting poverty, protecting the environment and reaching healthcare to the poor seem to be the overriding priorities of politicians

Let's toast the nobodies and some writers

[2015-04-18 08:12]

Perhaps Grass deserved a better farewell, if for nothing more than having the courage to reveal his past and seek redemption. Perhaps the world has not been fair to a trailblazer.

Hope Ukraine peace deal succeeds despite all its weak nesses

[2015-02-16 08:35]

Despite the worst fears, the peace-loving people of the world hope peace returns to Ukraine.

Underestimate not the power of the people

[2015-02-14 07:48]

The India Against Corruption movement, and thus the AAP, was launched to demand good governance and the end of corruption in politics.

GM is a question of public or private good

[2015-02-09 08:02]

There is difference between food security and food safety, and people in China - given its high agricultural production - are more worried about the latter.

Time to close gap between public view and reality of climate change

[2015-02-02 08:20]

Will China, and other countries most threatened by climate change, take up this challenge?

Humans already 44% doomed but does anyone care?

[2015-01-23 08:05]

The wider the gap between the richest and the rest gets, the more difficult it will become to take concerted action against climate change.

Tap, tap ... these gadgets are crazy!

[2015-01-16 08:13]

If the present state of affairs continues, where will the people who needed to advance the state of these computers, smartphones and gadgets come from?

South-North water canal a double-edged sword

[2015-01-10 08:24]

The water diversion project, given its unique characteristics, has no comparisons. But its impact on the environment and the rivers' eco-system and the people is not difficult to understand.

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