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手机实名制(shŏujī shímíngzhì):Real name registration for cellphone services

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-08-17 07:46

To achieve the goal that all telecom service users register their real names before June 30, 2017, telecom service providers in many regions have taken actions to stop providing services to those who don't provide a real name.

Three major telecom service providers in East China's Zhejiang province recently announced they would no longer provide pre-paid services to cellphone users, which is regarded as a key move in propelling a real name registration system for cellphone use.

Currently there are still a huge number of cellphone users nationwide who do not have to register their real names because they pre-pay for services. Till the end of this May there were more than 3 million users in Zhejiang province who haven't registered their real names with telecom service providers.

The telecom service providers urge these users to register their real names as soon as possible, in order to guarantee the continued use of their cellphones.

The real name registration system for telecom services will reduce crank calls and telecom fraud, and provide information about telecom fraud to the public security authorities. But telecom service providers should also take effective measures to guarantee telecom service users' information security.

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