Opinion / Opinion Line

Poor quality of helmets a big concern

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-03-04 07:55

Poor quality of helmets a big concern

Children learn to the basics of playing ice hockey. [Photo/provided to]

THE RESULTS OF an investigation by East China's Jiangsu provincial quality supervision bureau into the quality of sports helmets were released on Tuesday. The bureau found that only 24 out of the 120 samples tested passed the required safety standards. Of particular concern was no helmets for children passed the safety tests. Chinese Business Views said on Thursday:

If the low pass rate for helmets for adults is worrying, that no children's helmets passed the safety tests is even scarier. Compared to adults, children's ability to look after themselves is less.

Quality supervision departments should not just merely limit their responsibilities to testing the helmets, they should also act against the companies that are producing sub-standard protective helmets.

That no children's sports helmets passed the test means law enforcement and follow-up supervision are needed. The relevant departments should monitor and coordinate with the tax, industry and commerce and even public security departments in the face of these potentially dangerous consumer products.

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