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网络公益 (wangluò gōngyì): Internet public welfare

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-12-21 08:17

At the second World Internet Conference, which was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, 106 Internet organizations including the China Internet Development Foundation, Chinese Culture Institute of the Internet Communication,, Xinhuanet, and China's top Internet companies such as Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu jointly proposed an initiative for developing Internet public welfare.

At the forum of Internet Culture and Communication, Ma Li, president of the China Internet Development Foundation, appealed to all sectors of society to make concerted efforts to "make the Internet an ocean of love".

The Internet public welfare initiative appeals to organizations and individuals to enhance public welfare via the Internet, build an online public welfare platform to launch public welfare activities, encourage everybody to participate in this cause, strengthen information disclosure and integrate forces from all walks of life to promote people's welfare.

The rapid development and prosperity of the Internet is conducive to public welfare. It offers innovative ways of promoting public welfare, and has become a significant force for it.

Developing public welfare via the Internet is of great importance to enhance people's well-being, promote the healthy development of Internet industry and enable everyone to share the fruits of Internet development.

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