Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Ma's mainland policies not cause of KMT's defeat

By Li Zhenguang ( Updated: 2014-12-02 16:50

The KMT’s recent defeat undoubtedly adds uncertainty to cross-Straits ties, but it should be borne in mind that it was Ma’s policies at the expense of some Pan-Blue voters’ welfare, instead of his mainland policies that have led to the KMT’s poor performance in the local elections.

The peaceful development of the cross-Straits relations largely lies in the 1992 Consensus, which has long been favored by the KMT yet ignored by the DPP.

In 2012, the mainland and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region accounted for 40 percent of the total value of off-island trade. And the mainland is now the largest market for Taiwan’s agricultural products, thanks to the implementation the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement.

In addition, people-to-people exchanges across the Straits have also boosted the local tourism industry in the island. This year, there had been 10 million person-time visits to the island from the mainland as of Nov 6.

The prevalence of regional economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region requires the good momentum in cross-Straits cooperation to continue. The ongoing pursuit of free trade agreements, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and the Free Trade Agreement of the Asia-Pacific proposed by Beijing at November’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting, will surely provide more impetus to deepen cooperation.

The local elections show voters want better welfare and a peaceful environment irrespective of which party is in office. To deliver these requires stable and smooth cross-Straits exchanges, and that means abiding by the 1992 consensus is essential, regardless of any other issues involved in the elections.

The author is a professor with the Institute of Taiwan Studies of Beijing Union University.

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