Opinion / From the Press

Obama's diplomatic weaknesses will unravel

By Li Yang ( Updated: 2014-08-25 15:28

US President Barack Obama's egoism and opportunism will further entangle the United States in various kinds of security concerns, says an article in the Beijing News. Excerpts:

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent critique of Obama's unsuccessful foreign policies in the past five years have exposed that the US diplomacy is in a dilemma.

Obama does not want to do foolish things. But he also misses the opportunities of doing the right things.

Obama's diplomacy is over "calculated". His regime always holds a "wait-and-see" attitude during the geo-political crises. The US cannot fulfill its international responsibility this way.

The US' input in the Middle East and East Europe is far from enough. The only superpower today is losing its strategic credits among its European alliances.

The US' "negative" actions on the Syrian issue left a vacuum for religious extremist forces. The US, under Obama's leadership, will not pay the price for its world leader status. Or, it may have not the power any more to maintain its global dominance.

Obama's "ostrich policy" blinds the US to some key geo-political challenges. His "re-pivoting" strategies to Asian-Pacific have been problematic from the beginning, because he focuses too much on military solutions in the face of the rise of big economy as China.

That the US constructs a strong political atmosphere of "containing China" not only misleads its alliances in Asia, but also breaks the order and stability of the region.

The US is losing its constant principles of democracy and peace. Fact isthat the US has been bugging even its own citizens and close friends around the world for its own national security.

And, thanks to the US' support, the right-wing radicals in Japan, with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as the representative, are rising and causing troubles for the region continuously. The US' stance on the warmongering Japanese politicians confuses its alliances around the world. Obama and his coteries' indecisiveness on some important issues further aggravate the world's concerns on the US' ambiguous foreign policies.

In spite of the critics, the Obama administration will probably continue its old way of behavior. Yet, as the US gets further entangled into some hot issues, the weakness of Obama's diplomacy will become self-evident.

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