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Can true love be found online?

Updated: 2014-06-30 08:15 (

dostoevskydr (China)

Can you meet someone great on the Internet? Sure, but there are also a great many people who lie about everything; their appearance, age and status. Online relationships don't allow you to see their regular life, nor can you see personal behaviors that may disturb you.

A man will claim to be in love, to have a million feelings, to say everything a woman wants to hear because the internet, to a man, is simply a bigger meat market. 85 percent of the time, it's about nothing more then "fun" with men online. They'll say anything, do anything, travel numerous distances, and it's all just to get a woman for fun. With a woman, she truly wants love; she's truly looking for it, desires it, craves it, and is easily blinded by the man who claims to have it for her.

Falling in love over the internet can happen. Maybe some people don't believe in it but it's true. It's possible, but it's very, very unlikely, and it's more likely to be infatuation than love. It IS however, possible to be both infatuated and in love. Many people confuse the two. Note that infatuation is not the same as love or lust.

But if you do decide to meet this person make sure you have a friend that is watching from somewhere in case something goes wrong, because you never know about people nowadays.

DR's advice : Proceed with caution.

Can true love be found online?

Can true love be found online? Can true love be found online? Can true love be found online?
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