Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Five principles for Syria peace

By China Forum (China Daily) Updated: 2014-01-21 07:20

Third, an inclusive political transition process must be promoted.

The goals of the process are as follows: to stop the bloodshed, oppose terrorism and restore stability and order; to ensure equal opportunities for all ethnicities, religions and sects, establish a just and reasonable power structure and political arrangement, and meet the aspirations of the Syrian people for a democratic, pluralistic and harmonious country; to make headway in the reconstruction process; and to turn Syria into an important force for peace and stability in the Middle East.

China has taken note of the differences and disagreements among parties in Syria in their positions and demands. Inflexibility can only lead to a dead end while mutual understanding and accommodation will point a way forward. We hope that all parties in Syria act in the interest of the future and destiny of the country and overall interest of the people, summon up political will, meet each other half way, and blaze a "middle way" by drawing on useful regional and international experience while keeping in mind Syria's national conditions and the interests of all parties.

China hopes that parties in Syria reach agreement at an early date on the specific arrangements and reasonable timeframe for the political transition process, form, on the basis of mutual consent, a transitional governing body with full executive powers, and maintain the continuity and effectiveness of Syria's governmental institutions. China respects and supports all the proposals on political transition that are widely acceptable to parties in Syria.

Fourth, national reconciliation and unity must be achieved in Syria.

Realizing national reconciliation is a longstanding and arduous task facing Syria. The national reconciliation process, as part and parcel of the political settlement of the Syria issue, should be advanced in parallel with the political transition process in a mutually reinforcing manner. To this end, parties in Syria should release a greater number of arbitrarily detained persons; the political process must be broad-based and inclusive so that the views of all parties in Syria are fully reflected and the rights and interests of ethnic minorities, refugees and women are truly guaranteed; acts of ethnic, religious and sectarian discrimination, instigation and retaliation must be prevented; national reconciliation dialogue must be launched in the interest of national unity of Syria; and human rights and basic freedom must be respected and protected.

Fifth, humanitarian assistance must be delivered in Syria and its neighboring countries.

The international community needs to step up humanitarian assistance to the people of Syria and ensure that both refugees outside Syria and people in need inside Syria have timely access to such assistance. As has been urged by the Security Council, all parties in Syria ought to fully cooperate with the United Nations and relevant international agencies as they carry out humanitarian relief operations in all conflict-affected regions. Their safe and unhindered access to these regions must be ensured. The international community should uphold the principles of humanity, impartiality and neutrality, adhere to the guiding humanitarian principles of the United Nations, and make sure that humanitarian issues are not politicized and humanitarian assistance is not militarized.

Xinhua News Agency

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