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China Daily Website

Environmental protection is important

Updated: 2012-11-12 22:25
( chinadaily.com.cn)

The report of the 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China stresses the importance of the construction of civilization in the fields of economy, politics, culture, ecology and society in its mission of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, says an article in China Business News. Excerpts:

This is the first time that ecological construction has been included in the top agenda of the CPC. Environmental pollution and relevant problems have forced the Party to face the crucial issue head-on. CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao has emphasized the importance of environmental protection again and again in his report for the congress.

The environmental degradation is to some extent a byproduct of the past economic growth of China and it is interwoven with a series of social issues and related to social stability.

The environmental issues, if not solved, will affect China's future development. Without environmental protection, the sustainable development is only empty talk.

The report means China will transform its economy-oriented development into an environmentally friendly development model. The environmental laws must be enforced, and relevant authorities and watchdogs should fulfill their responsibilities.

More important, local governments should be clear-headed about the urgency of environmental protection and cooperate with environmental authorities. They should play leading roles in protecting the environment.

The media should also raise the public's awareness of people's potential to contribute to the well-being of the environment.
