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China Daily Website

The impact of Denver shooting

Updated: 2012-07-28 07:50
( China Daily)

Twelve people were killed and 58 injured when a masked gunman opened fire at the premiere of a Batman film in the US city of Denver last weekend. Investigation shows that though the suspect had no previous criminal record, he did not have a license to use guns. This has sparked another heated debate on gun control in the US, says an article in Beijing Youth Daily. Excerpts:

The shooting in Denver has raised a vital question: How to strengthen security in cinemas. Not only the US, but also other countries have neglected the importance of security inspection in cinemas. This is especially shocking because youngsters are known to imitate the action in films, which are becoming increasingly violent, in real life.

The Denver shooting is all the more tragic because the Batman film portrays the masked hero as a man with a strong sense of justice and always prepared to help the weak and the poor.

The shooting has again triggered an intense debate on American gun culture and gun control. Though the original purpose of allowing people to possess guns is self-protection, it has also led to frequent shootings. Statistics show that more than 30,000 people die and 200,000 are injured in shootings and shootouts every year. The Denver case is the worst in the last five years.

The American gun culture has made it difficult for the administration to implement effective gun control not only because the US constitution grants its citizens the right to own and carry arms, but also because people cannot reach a consensus on the issue. Also, some vested interests, for example, arms suppliers, have drummed up support from state administrations against a ban on guns.

The Denver shooting comes when the presidential campaign between incumbent US President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney has reached a feverish pitch. Obama called late Wednesday for tougher background checks designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.

It seems the Denver shooting will inevitably influence the coming presidential election.

(China Daily 07/28/2012 page6)
