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China Daily Website

Three options for the Philippines

Updated: 2012-07-25 19:00
( chinadaily.com.cn)

The Philippines has three options in dealing with the South China Sea issue. First, cooperate with China for joint development. Second, challenge China with the United States' help and continue making trouble for China. Third, make use of both the US and China. The Philippines may trade with China and seek a security guarantee from the US at the same time.

The messages sent so far by Manila are confusing, even self-conflicting. President Aquino III says his government will solve the South China Sea dispute through peaceful and diplomatic manners. But he also compares the Huangyan Island to “the backyard” of the Philippines.

No matter which option he chooses, he should be aware of one basic fact: The Philippines' sovereignty claim to parts of the South China Sea and Huangyan Island has no historical and legal support.

The Philippines must be cautious while making choices among the three options. It concerns one island of China, but the future of the Philippines.

Translated from People's Daily

By Li Yang
