Media needs introspection

Updated: 2011-08-23 08:44

(China Daily)

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Of late, government departments such as the taxation authorities, State Oceanic Administration and the Civil Aviation Administration have reacted to rumors about them. But the spurt in false news should be blamed on the failure of the traditional media, because they have been intensifying the trend with the help of more quotes and comments, says an article in People's Daily. Excerpts:

Though the public reaction to false news has not been severe, it is important that the traditional media reflect on the mistakes they have committed.

The media have developed from newspapers and radio, to television and the Internet, where micro blogs are the rage now. And since people have access to all these sources of news, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine their authenticity. Therefore, it is important and necessary for the mainstream media to provide news timely, fairly and objectively if they want to maintain their credibility.

But the way some media outlets present incidents and developments is far from objective. The media cannot give any excuse for not authenticating news before publishing or broadcasting them.

Misreporting or misrepresenting facts will not solve any of the social problems and conflicts. Only if the media dig out the truth and authenticate facts can they help solve social problems and resolve conflicts.

Truth is the backbone of news irrespective of the rapid development of transmission tools. Truth, and only truth, can invite proper response and help us resolve social and other issues.