OPINION> Commentary
Who should grow flowers?
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-02-25 07:48

Local government rather than citizens should shoulder the responsibility of preparing enough flowers for an upcoming flower conference, says an article on the website www.china.com.cn. The following is an excerpt:

Chuxiong city government recently asked all government workers to grow at least one pot of camellias at home to prepare for the upcoming world conference on the flower.

Growing flowers at home is a private matter for citizens. The government has no right to intervene in it. Of course, the government can issue a directive, calling the citizens to raise flowers, but they have the right to reject this call. If the government forces them to grow flowers of a certain type, like camellias, citizens are actually burdened with what should be an optional pastime.

The government should finish this work alone as part of its urban greening work. As taxpayers, citizens, through their reps, should have the right to punish the government officials in charge of this work if they can't grow the flowers for the conference.

(China Daily 02/25/2009 page8)