OPINION> Commentary
Thrift lessons from Shaanxi
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-01-14 07:35

It would be praiseworthy if the annual lianghui can be held in a thrifty manner in these times of financial crisis, says an article on the website of Xinhua News Agency. The following is an excerpt:

Lianghui, or two sessions of the People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at provincial-level, are underway across China against the backdrop of the global economic crunch.

According to reports, the second session of the 10th Shaanxi CPPCC was shortened from the previous duration of a week to only four days. Services for the meetings were undertaken by the employees of the provincial CPPCC and banquets were replaced by simple meals, cutting expenses by 2 million yuan.

The thrift exercised by Shaanxi province shows that quite a lot of expenditure can be saved. It's an excellent role model for other meetings if lianghui across China are to try its best to save on expenses.

The thrifty lianghui will enable the public to see the government's determination and actions to weather the financial turmoil together with the masses.

(China Daily 01/14/2009 page8)