OPINION> Commentary
Come clean on the criteria
(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-07-28 07:23

The enrolment of recommended students, who get university admissions without entrance exams, should be transparent, says an article in Beijing News. The following is an excerpt:

Peking University this year admitted 573 high school graduates, which is more than one-fifth of its total enrollment, by recommendations. However, no reason behind these recommendations has ever been made public.

Common sense would make one curious to know how outstanding those students are so that they deserve exam-free university admissions. Therefore, knowing nothing about their capabilities is so disappointing.

That raises an uncomfortable question: is there something else that must be kept under the wraps? The public needs and requires education to be fair and open, so accordingly, the recruiting of students, whether by exams or recommendations, should be transparent. As results of exams give full information of one's knowledge, recommendations should also be openly explained.

Transparency in the enrolment of recommended students will not only eliminate backdoor dealings and rumors about them, but also put forward quality-oriented education by bringing to light the capabilities of the recommended students.

(China Daily 07/28/2008 page4)