OPINION> Commentary
Importance of self-criticism
(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-07-24 07:33

That an official stands accountable in fixing social problems is worth praising and promoting to the whole country, says an article in People's Daily. The following is an excerpt:

After experiencing a three-hour jam, Shenzhen's Vice-Mayor Zhang Siping apologized to the public, denounced local traffic departments' poor performance and promised to improve the traffic situation in 100 days. Otherwise, traffic management officials will be punished.

What Zhang has done means a lot. First of all, it deserves full recognition for his self-reflection on poor work of improving traffic as the designated vice-mayor in charge of public transportation. His courage in bearing accountability in the face of deficiencies makes a sharp contrast to some officials in the government who only want to be praised, and fear facing criticism and practicing self-criticism.

Moreover, the promise of 100 days is an expression of determination. As the economy keeps booming, traffic in many cities also gets congested. What can be done in 100 days may not solve all problems, but it offers a chance to draw attention from all sides so that efforts are intensified for a comprehensive improvement.

Others experiencing jams elsewhere may be envious of people in Shenzhen for having such an accountable vice-mayor who had faced up to work performance under his direct administration. At least hopes of fixing the long-standing problem surfaced when the great inconvenience was experienced by the vice-mayor himself.

There are many other social problems, like soaring prices of medical treatment and housing, which have caused much public complaints. We cannot wait for their resolve until government officials experience them. Zhang's promise of "improvement or punishment" also brings hope of a new administrative style. If government officials can bear specific accountabilities and put protecting people's interests first, then many social problems can be solved with efficiency.

(China Daily 07/24/2008 page8)