Yesterday seemed to be a day of irony for Mother Earth. Since April 22 was designated as the World Earth Day in 1970, the problems in the relationship between human enterprise and nature, so vital for our survival, have rapidly escalated.
Serious environmental problems are not centuries away but an increasing part of our daily lives.
From rising food prices coupled with decreasing crop yields and depleted topsoil to collapsing Antarctic ice shelves, from extensive droughts to massive floods, from persistent organic pollution to greenhouse gases, from frequent weather extremities to the death of many coral reefs, the planet is facing a series of linked crises which potentially threaten the quality - and even the very existence - of human life.
Around the world, the celebrations for the day brought attention to local and worldwide environmental issues.

Although there is so much we can do to appreciate and celebrate our place on earth, for many it is a sombre occasion.
While the ill effects of climate change are increasingly visible worldwide, the international community has failed to find remedies for the dreadful state of our environment.
The Earth Day is a time to ask if there is anything we can do to make the world a cleaner place to live in.
China's theme for World Earth Day 2008 is "Be kind to the earth by starting with simple things".
While there are innumerable ways to help heal the planet, all of us could make a positive impact in our own ways - helping preserve the community through litter control, recycling, and energy and water conservation.
Individually, we can try to do our best to reduce the impact we have on our environment. The simple things we can do, like turning off a light or replacing the conventional bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, planting more trees and committing to drive less, can make a difference.
We can also organize green initiatives within our workplaces and communities.
Earth Day is a cause for celebration. The other 364 days of the year require a commitment from everyone to take some action in his or her own life.
As long as the earth exists, we will survive - but only if we take care of it.
(China Daily 04/23/2008 page8)