Related article:
Why should China waste very valuable raw materials for a chicken-feed of
which such materials will be needed for many, many, many long years to come?
Although it is sensitive to the export market of those smaller SMEs in China,
but cutting back the export quantity while improving such to better quality
shoes and textiles at a higher price is by far more intelligent.
Secondly, China does NOT need to be exploited again and again by EU and USA
whenever foul cat calls start. Let their growth rates retard, inflations to rise
with increasing interest rates on borrowing costs to rocket up, and let them
realise how much take home salaries are needed to support their standards of
living cost while they are thinking it is better off to buy more expensive shoes
and textiles for same.
Thirdly, China can preserve very valuable raw materials for the future to
compete at a higher priced market whilst its huge population is able to absorb
lots more shoes and textiles locally as said to "promote local consumption".
Local consumption is an excellent growth area to encourage local spending in
order to sustain a steady growth rate GDP of 8.00% p.a favourably. Use this
local consumption phase of activities to experiment, research and develop more
innovative shoe & textile products in terms of QUALITY at affordable price
ranges. The key to this objective is to "ramp up quality at the factory
production sites with quality work conditions and safety work places in order to
compete at a better (higher) price with foreigners everywhere at a higher price.
Quality is the most important phase of an INNOVATIVE CYCLE in China to cause
the "virtual clock to turn back to a point" in which time the superiority of
'Emperor ChengHo of China could sail out an armada at free will during which
time foreigners were learning about canoe building industry'.
Mindfully, China should ask EU nations & USA to consider removing all
cigars and cigarrette factories out of China because smoking is a known cause of
cancers and is a major form of pollution for the environment and personal health
which are continuing to seriously pose a health crisis in China. Many EU &
USA nations have banned smoking in restaurants, pubs, factories, offices, train
& railway stations, buses, forests, cinemas, etc.. but China has NOT started
to do so is a bit of an oversight defect.
Send all such cigars smoking factories back to those EU nations and USA on
fair trading ground as in observance of WTO and WHO auspices. China does NOT
need another extra person to smoke but instead to promote NO_SMOKING is a very
important contribution to China's health bills.
In short, while China can really afford to do the right things for itself and
the communities of its people, China must NOT waste raw materials, China must
improve Quality and China must check its own health bills. Failing which will
cause an enormous hardships to China in the future years to come. Foresight is
an INNOVATIVE ICON much better than hindsight (in other word, do NOT be sorry
later on).
The above content represents the view of the author