America's softball superstar commiserates for Liu Xiang
By Zheng Lu
China Daily Staff Writer
Updated: 2008-08-20 12:10


In fact, Finch even has a plan for what to do with her gold medal should she win it. She wants to share it with others, especially children across the world. By so doing, she strives to inspire others, which she considers to be the most meaningful value of winning a gold medal.

US President George W. Bush holds up a softball jersey presented to him by US Olympic softball player Jennie Finch (R) at a photo opportunity with US Olympic athletes bound for Beijing in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, July 21, 2008. [Agencies]

"Last time I won the gold medal (at the Athens Olympic Games), I traveled with it and shared it with children all over the world, hopefully to inspire them to dream big and believe in their dreams. The best thing about having a gold medal is being able to share it with other people," Finch said..

Speaking of her impressions of the opening ceremony in Beijing, she said: "It was my first opening ceremony and it was absolutely incredible; breath-taking and amazing. It's so exciting to see all the other countries walking in and seeing their flags."

Nevertheless, Finch intends to pack her bag and leave for home right after the competition. After all, it's tough for her to stay away from her husband and son for too long. "My family has been my backbone. They support me completely and never complain. I miss them so much and I will leave on the 23rd to be a good mom and wife."

 Finch expressed her gratitude towards the Chinese people, saying "I appreciate all the hard work and dedication they have put in to put on such an incredible Games. Thank you so much for your support, and for your hospitality. This Olympics has been incredible!"  

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