Kunming Hi-Tech Zone to support military industrial enterprises

Updated: 2014-10-24 17:39
By Shi Zihan

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The administrative committee of the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone met directors of 14 Yunnan military industrial enterprises on Oct 22. At the meeting, the Zone said that they would like to help the enterprises with their problems in project construction, and hoped to cooperate with them.

Yang Jinying – director of the Yunnan Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense, Wang Minzheng – director of the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone, and other directors and officials of the Zone attended the meeting.

Representatives from the 14 enterprises gave speeches to outline the brief situation of their projects in Yunnan. Also, they talked about their needs in investment promotion, attracting skilled people and tax preferences, based on difficulties they met in their daily work. They hoped that the Zone would support the military industrial enterprises to expand the market and better develop in Yunnan.

Wang Minzheng said after their speeches that the military industrial enterprises played an important role in the development of technology, capital, information and human resources in Yunnan. As for the difficulties put forward by the enterprises, he promised that the Zone would provide them with superior services and help them solve their problems.

Kunming Hi-Tech Zone to support military industrial enterprises

Representatives from 14 military industrial enterprises in Yunnan, directors of the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone and the Yunnan Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense, gather to discuss the development of military industries in Yunnan province on Oct 22. [Photo/kmhnz.gov.cn]

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter
