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Journalists get stretched on Journalists' Day

By Yang Fan ( chinadaily.com.cn )

An orienting race was held in Kunming, Yunnan province on Nov 7 to mark the 16th China Journalists' Day.

Over 100 journalists and 19 teams took part in the race. Competitors were required to locate designated points on a map with the help of compasses.

For some journalists, it was their first time to take part in an orienting activity. "I felt very tired after the race, yet, I'm very happy," said one journalist. He added that the race helped him improve his map reading ability and bring people closer to each other.

Journalists get stretched on Journalists' Day

Journalists set off from the starting line of an orientating race in Kunming, Yunnan province on Nov 7. [Photo/kunming.cn]

Journalists get stretched on Journalists' Day

A journalist arrives at the finishing line of an orientating race in Kunming, Yunnan province on Nov 7. [Photo/kunming.cn]

Journalists get stretched on Journalists' Day

The award ceremony of an orientating race is held in Kunming, Yunnan province on Nov 7. [Photo/kunming.cn]

Edited by Jacob Hooson

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