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Young scholars gather to discuss entrepreneurship and innovation

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-01-05

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The Fourth Forum for Youth with Doctor Degrees commenced at the State High-tech Industrial Zone in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Dec 16.

Under the theme of “Public Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, the forum hosted approximately 100 experts from financial institutions, entrepreneurs and young scholars.

At the opening ceremony, five enterprises and institutes signed cooperation agreements with institutional investors, to secure financial support for six projects.

The forum is a branch of the 10th Academic Annual Conference for Xinjiang Youth. The conference has been held biennially since 1993, while the forum was established in 2006.

According to Xie Guozheng, vice director of the region’s Association of Science and Technology, the forum was designed to help young scholars start their own businesses, make breakthroughs in innovations and provide them with a platform to communicate.

A public incubation platform was launched at the opening ceremony. The platform will help small to medium-sized enterprises broaden channels in terms of finance, technical achievements and legal consulting.

Young scholars gather to discuss entrepreneurship and innovation

The Fourth Forum for Youth with Doctor Degrees is launched in Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Dec 16. [Photo/udz.gov.cn]

Young scholars gather to discuss entrepreneurship and innovation

The Fourth Forum for Youth with Doctor Degrees is held in Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Dec 16. [Photo/udz.gov.cn]

Young scholars gather to discuss entrepreneurship and innovation

Xie Guozheng, vice director of the Xinjiang Association of Science and Technology, delivers a speech to attendees of the Fourth Forum for Youth with Doctor Degrees in Urumqi on Dec 16. [Photo/udz.gov.cn]

By Yang Fan and edited by Jacob Hooson