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Forum helps enterprise financing
The previous three China International Private Equity Forums (CIPEF) focused on setting up an efficient mechanism for capital transactions.
Tianjin launches a week of folk culture
Tianjin began its week-long culture show at the World Expo 2010 yesterday with a display of many of its folk arts.
Binhai New Area
Zone's service outsourcing hub takes shape
Soft service outsourcing will be a key part of Tianjin's development due to the Tianjin Binhai Service Outsourcing Industrial Zone, which went operational in September 2009.
Tianjin tourism hits a record high

Tianjin municipality achieved a record best on tourism indicators for the last six months, enjoying a heated tourism season, according to the Tourism Bureau of Tianjin Municipality.

Statistics shows that over the first half of 2010, Tianjin has received 823,000 overseas tourists and 46 million domestic tourists, up by 16.8 percent and 15.2 percent, respectively, from the same period last year.

Also, the tourism foreign exchange earnings reached $687million, up by 18.9 percent over the same period last year, while the domestic tourism earnings totaled 57.5 billion yuan, up by 21.1 percent.

Early this year, 20 tourism major projects made progress in construction and many of them have opened to the public, such as the Tianjin Port Museum, Prince Zhuang Mansion, Innovation Street in Hebei District, to name just a few.

Moreover, the “One-day tour of Tianjin” bus line was opened on April 24 in the Tianjin Tourism Distribution Center, and by last Saturday, 1,306 trips were offered for 55,000 tourists, with an income of 1.26 million yuan.

The cooperation between a score of travel agencies in Tianjin and Shanghai also attracted many tourists and tour groups to come to Tianjin after visiting the Shanghai Expo.

By Guo Changdong and Zhang Nan

TIANJIN City of Glamour
Interview with Hao Xishan