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Mount Wutai prepares for war anniversary celebration

Updated : 2015-08-14

To celebrate for the upcoming 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Nanru village, Mount Wutai is gathering historical resources and preparing an exhibition.

It is reported that in 2004 the headquarter site was listed as a "Historical and Cultural Site Under Protection in Shanxi Province", and in 2009, it was classified as a "Patriotic Education Base in Shanxi Province". In 2007, the local government spent one million yuan ($ 155,890) on site repair and renovation. In 2009, Mount Wutai Anti-War Monument was erected. In recent years, the site attracted more than 80,000 young tourists and troops.

Zhang Jianqing, an official in charge of the site said that the focus this year is to decorate and transform the old building and fix up the Mount Wutai Anti-War Monument.

By Huang Pei

Edited by Andrew Ancheta


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