

Macao business delegation visits Pingyao

Updated: 2017-09-22
( chinadaily.com.cn)

A business delegation from Macao Special Administrative Region visited Pingyao county on Sept 19 to discuss economic and tourism collaboration.

The delegation, made up of representatives from Shanxi Chamber of Commerce in Macao and Macao Jin Merchants Holdings Co, discussed the Shanxi-Macao Emerging Industry City project.

The delegates visited local villages and Tianlu Lake and found out about the county's plan and layout for the project, as well as the investment status quo of tourism projects, expressing confidence in the county’s development potential and expectations for more mutually-beneficial partnerships.

Macao business delegation visits Pingyao

A business delegation from Macao Special Administrative Region visits Pingyao county on Sept 19. [Photo/sxgov.cn]

Macao business delegation visits Pingyao

Government officials from Jinzhong city and Pingyao county meet with the Macao delegation in Pingyao county on Sept 19. [Photo/sxgov.cn]


Pingyao Wantuo

Wantuo, a type of noodle from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), is one of Pingyao's local snacks with a long history.

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