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Writers, artists tour Houma county

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-05-29

Writers, artists tour Houma county

A launch ceremony for a tour by artists and writers of Houma county, Shanxi province is held on May 27. [Photo/sxrb.com]

A tour by Chinese artists and writers was launched in Houma county, Shanxi province, on May 27.

The five-day event consists of five parts including a poetry and painting activity themed on the landscape of Houma county, and an exhibition of its traditional Chinese crafts, culture and arts as well as local dishes. Artwork created by artists and writers will also be exhibited during the event.

The tour and series of activities aims to improve Houma’s reputation, attract more tourists and businesspeople to visit and invest in the county, and facilitate the development of China Craft Town.

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