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War drum activity held in Xiangfen

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-04-10

War drum activity held in Xiangfen

People pull a flat car with a war drum on the street of Nangaoyu Village, Xiangfen county, Shanxi province on April 5. The activity started in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) with a history of more than 2,700 years. It evolved from drilling military drums to now becomming a folk sports competition in Xiangfen county.[Photo/people.cn]

War drum activity held in Xiangfen

Tourists gather on the street of Nangaoyu Village, Xiangfen county, Shanxi province to watch the annual war drum competition on April 5. As a local cultural activity, it attracted a lot of tourists from outside Shanxi province.[Photo/people.cn]

War drum activity held in Xiangfen

A competition on pulling war drum is held on the street of Nangaoyu Village, Xiangfen county, Shanxi province on April 5.[Photo/people.cn]




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