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Jinzhong pilots projects to boost Shanxi's development

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-05-03

Jinzhong pilots projects to boost Shanxi's development

The ground-breaking ceremony for a science and technology industrial park in Jinzhong Development Zone of Shanxi Demonstration Area for Economic Transformation and Reform is held in Jinzhong on April 27. [Photo/sxrb.com]

Jinzhong Development Zone of Shanxi Demonstration Area for Economic Transformation and Reform, a vital provincial project for boosting the local economy, held a ground-breaking ceremony for a science and technology industrial park on April 27.

The park, focusing on high-end equipment manufacturing, IT, new materials and ecofriendly industries, aims to form a comprehensive platform for furthering professional training, IT services and the application of new technological discoveries and inventions. The construction of 15 projects worth 14.5 billion yuan ($2.10 billion) has begun.

The Jinzhong development zone, covering an area of 223.8 square kilometers, consists of four industrial parks, such as the New Energy Vehicle Park and Xiaohe Industrial Park. Currently, 40 projects costing 34.7 billion yuan, including 15 related to infrastructure, are under construction.

A working committee was also set up at the ceremony to manage the operation of the Jinzhong development zone.

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