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Opening-up airports and railways for growth of foreign trade

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-12-30

The Shanxi Provincial government announced on Dec 29 that the province will hasten to open airports and railway ports to boost the transformation and growth of the province's foreign trade.

The province is accelerating opening-up of aviation ports and construction of railway ports to form a multilayered pattern with aviation ports, railway ports, and comprehensive bonded areas supporting and complementing each other.

The move is part of China's plan to develop ports in its inland areas. The airports of the cities of Taiyuan, Datong, and Yuncheng will be the main hubs supported by the branch airports of Wutaishan, Changzhi, Linfen, and Lvliang.

With the development of ports, and in consideration of the demand for foreign trade cooperation and tourist and cultural communication, Shanxi will also open new air routes to chosen foreign cities, to make trade, culture, and tourism more convenient.

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