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ICN finishes its bilingual promotion video of Pingyao

By Zhou Yuanyuan ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-02-07

ICN finishes its bilingual promotion video of Pingyao

English-Chinese promotion video for Pingyao town, from ICN, near the end of production.(Photo/Pingyao.gov.cn)

ICN finishes its bilingual promotion video of Pingyao

English-Chinese promotion video for Pingyao town, from ICN, near the end of production.(Photo/Pingyao.gov.cn)

There is a two-part English-Chinese video for promoting the old town of Pingyao, Shanxi province, being filmed by the International Chinese Network (ICN) "China Travel" team, which is nearing completion and is expected to draw more attention to the tourist site with is "Pingyao's old town - the world's first 'Wall Street'" and "Pingyao's old town through foreigners' eyes" segments. The 120-min promotion video will soon be available for those interested, from ICN and the Youku Chinese website.

Edited by Roger Bradshaw

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