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Corporate culture event concludes in Jiading

( ) 2019-11-29

The annual event highlighting Jiading's enterprise culture came to an end at the Jiading Culture Center on Nov 29 in Jiading district of Shanghai.

Employees from 11 enterprises based in Jiading staged performances highlighting their unique corporate cultures during the closing ceremony.

According to local authorities, this was the third year of Jiading to host the corporate culture event, which was designed to create a good cultural environment and encourage local enterprises to attach greater importance to corporate culture.

A variety of activities for local workers to take part in have been held.

Eleven enterprises were rated as culture innovation brands (bases) in Jiading during the closing ceremony.

Corporate culture event concludes in Jiading

The closing ceremony for the 2019 Corporate Culture Event is held on Nov 29 in Jiading district of Shanghai. [Photo/]

Corporate culture event concludes in Jiading

The chorus from Shanghai STEP Electric Corporation performs at the closing ceremony. [Photo/]

Corporate culture event concludes in Jiading

The chorus from Shanghai Kaiquan Pump Industry Group performs at the closing ceremony. [Photo/]

Corporate culture event concludes in Jiading

Eleven enterprises are rated as culture innovation brands (bases) in Jiading during the closing ceremony. [Photo/]



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