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Jiading to build smart industrial internet network

( ) 2019-05-21

Jiading to build smart industrial internet network

Jiading signs to build a New Generation Database and Artificial Intelligence Research Center with the Data China Institute of State Information Center and Borruidata Co on May 17. [Photo/]

The 2019 International Summit of Data Processing Technology and Industry was held in Jiading Industrial Zone on May 17.

During the summit, Jiading signed to build a New Generation Database and Artificial Intelligence Research Center with the Data China Institute of State Information Center and Borruidata Co.

Jiading will also cooperate with China Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team to build a smart industrial internet park in Jiading Industrial Zone.

"The efficient and accurate processing of large-scale data and exploiting its value have become solutions aiding government service improvement, enterprise transformation and upgrading, and the development of the artificial intelligence industry," said Yu Jiahua, Party secretary of Jiading Industrial Zone.

Jiading to build smart industrial internet network

The 2019 International Summit of Data Processing Technology and Industry is held in Jiading Industrial Zone on May 17. [Photo/]

The New Generation Database and Artificial Intelligence Research Center will provide processing and real-time analysis for big data and owns Chinese intellectual property rights. A large number of advanced global technologies will be introduced to Jiading, providing data support for the construction of science and technology centers and social management.

Playing a core part in building Shanghai into a global science and technology innovation center, Jiading Industrial Zone has seen rapid development in enterprise transformation and intelligent industries.

Shanghai MJ Intelligent System Co will build the first high-end medical imaging equipment with United Imaging Healthcare Co. Hesai Co and has already made China's first intelligent delivery vehicle with JD.

Jiading Industrial Zone will continue to promote its business environment to attract more enterprises and help with the promotion of new technologies.

Jiading to build smart industrial internet network

Shen Huadi, deputy director of Jiading district, delivers a speech on the 2019 International Summit of Data Processing Technology and Industry, May 17. [Photo/]



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