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Jiading strives to improve legal environment

( ) 2019-04-12

Jiading strives to improve legal environment

Jiading district holds a series of activities intended to promote law popularization and strengthen law-based management on April 8. [Photo/]

Jiading district held a series of activities intended to promote law popularization and strengthen law-based management on April 8.

The Law Popularity Office of Jiading District will carry out special actions to inspect law enforcement at private enterprises, fight to eradicate criminal syndicates, facilitate rural vitalization, improve the livable environment and strengthen the implementation of waste classification.

Jiading strives to improve legal environment

The Jiading Public Law Popularization Studio is set up. [Photo/]

The office also plans to arrange ten activities, including a number of meetings, to improve public knowledge of the constitution in the district. The government will promote social projects by encouraging investment in law popularization and law-based management.

The office will further improve law enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms and provide legal services to private enterprises.

At the launching ceremony, the Cooperation Alliance of Social Organizations for Law Popularization and Law-based Management and the Jiading Public Law Popularization Studio were also officially set up.

Jiading strives to improve legal environment

A group of lawyers are employed to work for the law popularization studio in Jiading district. [Photo/]



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