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Yangtze River Delta Offshore Innovation Alliance set up

( ) 2019-01-08

Yangtze River Delta Offshore Innovation Alliance set up

The Yangtze River Delta Offshore Innovation Alliance Forum is held in Jiading district, Shanghai, on Jan 3. [Photo/]

The Yangtze River Delta Offshore Innovation Alliance Forum was held in Jiading district, Shanghai, on Jan 3.

The alliance is set to serve as an exchange platform for the region's science and technology, industry, and talent resources, and promote the integration of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Tech 50, Shanghai Supercomputer Center, Shanghai Information Security Trade Association, Furee Think-tank, Science & Technology Industry Parks magazine, Jiading Maker Space Alliance and government and industrial parks from Shanghai, Jiangsu province, Zhejiang province and Anhui province have all joined the alliance.

During the forum, the Nanxiang Declaration was delivered by the alliance to lay out its power and mission.

"We should know that innovation and entrepreneurship are the driving forces for 'achieving high quality, integrated development', and look forward to the development trends of the global industrial chain, the innovation chain and the value chain."

Du Jiayu, manager of Tech 50, a private start-up incubator and one of the first sponsors of the alliance, said that they have taken advantage of local industries by each choosing one subdivided industry for better development, such as the healthy pension industry in Jiande, Zhejiang province.

The final round of the 11th Tech 50 Entrepreneurship Competition was held during the summit. Six finalist projects from home and abroad expressed their willingness to develop in the Yangtze River Delta regions.



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