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Art exhibition on Belt and Road kicks off in Jiading

( ) 2018-09-21

"The Belt and Road" Art Collection Exhibition on delicate wares opened on Sept 19 in Shanghai's Jiading district, displaying over 100 masterpieces from countries involved in the Belt and Road initiative。

As a series activity of Jiading's cultural exchanges with Belt and Road countries, the exhibition features artists and craftsmen from countries including China, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Iran.

Various exhibits such as amber, carpets and ceramics showcased the traditional exotic handicrafts to the public.

Tu Yue, a local resident, showed an interest in the ceramics made by Japan artists. Tu said Japanese ceramic techniques were deeply influenced by ceramics in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) yet they are unique in their colors.

The exhibition will last until Sept 30 but is closed for the Mid-Autumn Festival (Sept 24).

Art exhibition on Belt and Road kicks off in Jiading

Delicate art pieces on display at the exhibition [Photo/]

Art exhibition on Belt and Road kicks off in Jiading

A set of Japanese ceramics is on display during the exhibition. [Photo/]



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