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Cultural gala entertains Jiading residents

( ) 2017-04-01

The 2017 Shanghai Citizens Art Festival, an annual cultural gala, lifted up its curtain on March 25 as a wide range of activities was launched throughout the city. Jiading district saw its fair share of action with more than 60 cultural events taking place on the opening day.

Jiading Cultural Center

Cultural gala entertains Jiading residents

A play named Coquettish Woman takes to the stage by Nanxiang Youth Drama Club at the Jiading Cultural Center on March 25, the opening day of the 2017 Shanghai Citizens Art Festival. [Photo/]

Among the highlights of the events that took place was a the staging of a play called Coquettish Woman at the Jiading Cultural Center by the Nanxiang Youth Drama Club and a painting exhibition that was held to display works created by local painting enthusiasts.

A variety of free training courses were also launched, including guzheng classes for children, a type of Chinese zither, bonsai classes for the senior citizens, and yoga classes for everyone.

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